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Monday, December 23, 2013

Anger Management

I have been inspired by the road ragers, annoyed movie-goers, mall trampers, and the like to write a book. Since childhood I have been saddened and frustrated that people  "don't care" for strangers and don't treat them like their own family members. Yes I mean that. My husband received a nasty letter on his car right after Thanksgiving when it was about four inches over the line. If it was this angry person's own grandmother's car of course the letter would never come to mind. Also hubby's friend was confronted yesterday by perturbed stranger because he said he was talking too loudly at the bar they were in. My other friend butted in and almost got punched. Because our buddy was talking loudly? COME ON!! Is it harsh to say that we just don't care for people we don't know? Really attitude can make or break a person's day. Can we teach this in schools? Does it have to be posted in the media? What can we do? Yes it matters because everyone wants to be respected. And more situations I hear of or experience is really making my blood boil. People die from arguments. Stress an kill or harm one's health. This is an issue no one is taking action on and yes we should. I just need to figure out how to structure the book. On the alcohol note yes getting pissed off can also lead you to drink.



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