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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Who's tired of me?

*raises hand* Hi broken record here. I slipped and I fought via internet with one of my friends of 25 years and I may have burned up a very long bridge.

However, I am trying to unconditionally love myself, and either my grandfather is up there watching or the karma keeps flowing for some reason. Because, today yoga and connections were all over the place. I taught a client and friend a private yoga lesson today and my endorphins sky-rocketed. He'll be coming every week for me to help his stiffness and troubled hip. He seemed to like the workout and I brushed up on my teaching skillz. Yes with a 'z'. Also, one of my mother's friend's found me on Facebook and wants me to sub for her yoga studio. The ball is rolling! I am also appreciating the joys of moderation tonight. I'm not sober yet but I am not smoking. Here's the deal, I actually think smoking is gross and wine numbs it. Then I get stimulated from the nicotine and I end up gulping my wine and not appreciating it, and after a while I forget what it tastes like. Tonight I am having 5 ounces of rose, I walked with it walking my cat up and down the hall, and it's pleasant. I'm in bed with a little left and I'm ready to sleep after I post this. When I drink and not smoke, I don't binge. There's some weird science for you.

I also went to a new Thai place in town with a friend and walked in the park afterwards. It was a perfect, forgiving, lovely day.


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