I feel like such a square when it's 10:00 at night and I think it's 'naughty' to get an iced coffee and eat granola with yogurt in bed. Oh and I'm just about 99% better. Stupid flu. Well I may be awake all night but it IS Saturday! Woo! I am a huge dork, but it's rewarding not to be inebriated instead. In fact, I wouldn't want to be a hip-hopping fool (more dorkiness) the last five mornings at 8:00 am if I was drinking. On top of that, someone found me on that workout DVD website (there's a huge workout community on there) and she's doing a challenge starting in March, Biggest Loser-style, which I'll be doing. No coffee, booze, dairy, sugar, and fried foods at least. That Insanity voice (The workout, not the voices in my head. That's a different blog.) is nagging at me and I lost it last night and ordered pt. 2, The Asylum. Because I have no life. Actually besides the fact I have no life this is a great time to get out my tensions and maybe look buff by May while I'm on it. I have enough guilts and frustrations even though that good karma keeps showing up. Exercising like an animal and eating cleaner I'm sure won't make my life worse. Ill also finally quit coffee and I'll see if I feel any different, which I admit I felt calmer drinking Teechino for those 3-4 days without coffee.
I think I have my wine cravings at bay, at least until May. Hey I'm a poet. It's this exercise thing. It's more important than the cheap-thrill binge. Because you know when this middle-ager binges, she ain't want nuttin to do with working out for two days y'all. I also do a "Sliding Doors" thing in my head. It's the movie with Gwyneth Paltrow when when plays two different scenarios with her character, like a 'what if' plot. For example she trips in the Subway stairs and misses the train only to arrive late but still finding her loving fiance at her condo. Then it shows the same scene where she doesn't trip down the stairs to the train, and makes it home just in time to catch said fiance with another woman. So when I binge, it's a COMPLETELY different next day than if I didn't. Hint: The latter is usually the better next-day scenario. When I binge, I'm usually up at 1:00 pm wondering what I could had done with the last 5 hours or so, happy, carefree, being productive, living instead of 'dying'. You get the picture. I also have this cheeseball thing now when I make a blueberry smoothie on some smober mornings and say that's my healthy red wine. I may be dramatic but it keeps me going. I don't want to be miserable and make others so anymore. I drove past the club tonight where I hosted a big Best Of party in 2006 and I was drug out of the club early after oh, three glasses of wine at home before and maybe 4-5 more before I started hosting and 1-3 during. I remember paying to get my hair done for the event and I wore this slinky James Perse jersey number. I woke up around 5:00 am on my bed, face down, with my hair still up. I cried so hard I couldn't get back to sleep. Fudge now I'm crying. Okay fu.....dge-cicles! I was ashamed and what-ifed myself for the last six years. The club is close to where I live and I sink every damn time I pass it. This is why I want to get in great shape. Endorphins, lifestyle change, more karma. Parhaps a full-time job at something I love to do. I'm sick of being burned out. I was inspired by Adele who was on 60 Minutes just before the Grammy's this year and she said that she filed records in the back of a local store in England after her Grammy in 2011 and no one knew. There is a local shop here where an old co-worker of mine lasted there for about a week or two because he hated mopping. If Adele can file records I'll sure as heck mop. Sorry friend. I still love ya. It could be fun for me to do. And since I'm kinda a big deal still I could probably find a job at a record store easily. :p I'm such a prima donna.
Kitty is great. He gets a little vet visit next week. He only looks lethargic in this photo. This is him just being his lazy self. I love my little man. Sir Rubber Kitty apparently! I can't believe how amazing some creatures are.
I'm into these Breakfast Smoothies from my trip to Arizona now ever since I got back. You mix oats with berries, and it's best with yogurt and honey. It's like a granola shake. Then I add all of my weird seeds and powders. It's pretty amazing and I feel more satiated. Highly recommended. I still also swear by the green powder which you can find in any health food store. Amazing Greens is what I'm consuming at the moment. Just mix it in a big thing of cold water with lemon. Up there, that's Michael Simon's wife Lizzie's granola I made today. It has no sugar, just honey and cinnamon. Again, highly recommended.
So party on. I may play Words With Friends (it's Scrabble) on my late night buzz and do more dancing manana. Calves feel sooooo goood. And when I say sooooo goood I mean sore.