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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A spin on fast food and 'cheat days'

I just met a new friend who is very fit and does not believe in cheat days. I actually agree with him. When I gave in to revenge V Day chocolates or fried foods as of late I was not really satisfied. I also sometimes feel sick or imagine what that sludge and carbon or whatever is DOING (yes [!!!]) to my body. I have a completely different way of looking at food now and I am on my way to eliminating the clogging food completely. I have made mistakes in 2012 and I think I have snapped into this "my body is a temple' mentality actually from making these mistakes. I'm 40. I want to look young and have tons of energy. I don't want guilt, resentment, sluggishness or sleepiness from food or evil beverages.

On that note I saw a commercial tonight for a fast food burger with jalepeños on it. I felt emotional and so excited, I drove in tonight's blizzard to get it! I'm a nut job but I'm glad I did, because I took it home and took it apart first. Oh THIS is why I've lost a ton of weight since 2003 from banning fast food chains! The 'toast' was as big as my head with oil or/and butter on both sides making your hands gross. Then the inside of the toast is buttered and mayo-ed. Top that with four slices of jack cheese and the burger, which I actually liked because (yeah I ate beef) it was juicy and had that crust on the outside. Oh yeah there were those spicy, tangy jalapeños too. So this is what I did: Discarded everything except for the burger and peños and ate them in-between mixed greens. I don't feel sick but I wonder how many calories alone the other stuff is. You could definitely make a healthier version at home easy.

Another thing is I don't know if I can go back to meat again because Supersize Me and Food Inc. have scarred me for life. I actually thanked and apologized to the animal for it's sacrifice and possible abuse. That's who I am.



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