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Monday, October 24, 2011

Cleansing to the salt dump!

This is a beautiful smoothie I made this morning:

Juice from 1 lime
1/4 pineapple
1/4 hot house cucumber
1/2 bunch cilantro
1 cup spa water (from a pitcher containing mint sprigs, lemon slices, and cucumber slices)
1 cup ice
1 tbs honey
1 tsp chia seeds
1 tsp flax seeds
1 tsp maca powder

It was fabulous. I felt light and my mood went up. Also for breakfast I make a sweet quinoa with toasted hazlenuts and pecans, dried cherries, more honey...honey, and cinnamon.

Then this happened for lunch: A salt-bomb-city Tom Kha Gai from a national Thai chain. I could only eat a 1/2 cup of the broth then I picked out the veggies and chicken. There is a local place that has a much healthier one, called Ekamai by Pioneer Park, for you Tom Kha Gai aficionados. It's true, when you don't eat table salt or sugar for a long time you are very sensitive to it. So I just drank the rest of my smoothie.

I think the light switch just went off in my brain. I've been off Antabuse again for about a week and a half and my sadness has subsided. For backup I got more citrus fruits and the smoothie definitely helped! Citrus=natural anti-depressant. That's why you feel so good after drinking your OJ. I think about wining and smoking, but because of my new job I can't do it. I know the consequences for sure. I can't go back there. The relapses in the past got to the point that I had what felt like 2-day hangovers. It was pretty brutal. Not to mention the bursts of inebriated email and FB rants. It is absolutely true that it gets better over time, losing the want to use and a better quality of life. It's worth the quit ten-fold.

Watch your salt! :)


Day 525

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