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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Doing great and looking good.

The workouts and diet are effective. Oh yeah and no boozing or smoking keeps me glowing and my weight down too. Seriously, there's my slim smober clean active happy body, and my sluggish bloated dull-skinned aging alcoholic body. Big diff. Just sayin'. I filmed my first on-location package at the highly-anticipated mall opening next March, City Creek Center, and I looked trim, youthful, and happy. I was at an Angels and Devils party last night at a martini bar (water and rosemary flatbread were my poisons). The boobies and fake tans (hey I had the latter) were abundant. This was a lesson in accepting my age and knowing I look awesome because I'm taking care of myself, but not trying to look 21. It's been a while since I've been to a party like this one. That's the best anyone can do is have an attitude adjustment and just feel good about yourself no matter your surroundings (eg: cute little hotties. Feel like one too, no harm in that. :) In fact, several men came up to me and introduced themselves. I was with my dental hygienist and new friend who I've hung out once recently before. She's keeping me young by taking me out. We met this cute boy who came as Justin Bieber (any costume was acceptable) probably half our age but he wanted to party with us after but we said we had to work in the morning (well she did). And his mother showed up! It was adorable. So yeah, I felt like I still had it. It was a lesson in drinking too, for a few disheveled angels and devils tried to tell us how cute we were in the bathroom falling over with smeared makeup or making out sloppily on the dance floor or shaking a little too much booty for the professional photographer there. I was just elevated to be out of those woods. Overall I was just flattered to have guys come up to me! I think I still need to work on the self-esteem issue even though I'm giving you a pep-talk here. I need to give myself more of those. I still had 'fat arm' issues but I read that most women hate their arms second to their butts. So I don't think I'm alone. They are looking more toned and cut than 17 months ago for sure, and I have been lifting at least 3 times a week. I also flail them around like crazy when I do Zumba or Hip-Hop Abs. Chaturanga in yoga is also great for the triceps.

I was cold this morning so I had white beans in tomato pesto with Moroccan olives and hot pepper this morning. Warm and satisfying. There is a yoga pose for after you eat. Sit on your heels for 3-5 minutes. It aids digestion. That's what I'm doing in my $5 Target bunny PJ bottoms. I made my own iced coffee (I know oxymoron) with Teechino mix. I'm working on my coffee addiction. I have a new organic 1 pound coffee bag and hazelnut Teechino that I'm mixing at home, saving money in the process. Speaking of saving money, well compromising since I had multiple trips to Victoria's Secret and Anthropologie lately due to craves I've been eating about 80% of my meals at home. Breakfast is easy with quinoa and fruit, a smoothie, or beans like today. Dinner is easy too coming home from the TV show and whipping something up. Lunch can be a wrap on the go but sometimes I make a big salad at home then eat Bhuja nut mixes on the way up or something. Well, that can be dangerous ha ha. I've learned from my French friends to have a handful instead of the bag at home. But in the car that bag keeps staring at me. I feel just as satisfied with coffee, tea, or water (sparkling or still) on my commute up to Park City. Toothpicks are also good and there's flavored ones out there.

For lunch today I'll make Sarma Melngailis' Fix Me salad with kale, pumpkin seeds, pumkin oil, and love. Everything is made with love nowadays!



Day 528

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