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Thursday, February 24, 2011

I should be at my guitar lesson.

Strange and melancholic day. I don't know if there's some kind of karmic connection to any of these events, but here goes.

I took out a chunk of money out of a savings account meant to be my nest egg, for trips to yoga events coming up. Then minutes later I find my car battery dead, and I ripped my parka on a doorway. Cancelled my guitar lesson because the maintenence guy wasn't calling back to jump my car and I was pressed for time. Then I told a friend, who I was going to meet at 4 for coffee if we could meet at a place I can walk to, and then he said he could meet early, like now, but he hasn't shown up yet. Well my car is re-booted but there is a girl here at this tiny coffee shop whom I sent drunken hate emails to. She is with another friend of mine who owns a record shop. Worst fear: she's telling everyone I know how much of a bitch I am including my local record shop friends whom I'd like a healthy relationship with. Okay my friend is here. But moving to Dan Diego, Portland, or France is really tempting right now. What's really ironic is that I got my monthly City Weekly column back and I just turned my first one in yesterday. The girl was the old music editor who dropped my column two years ago, hence the hate wino email. My column will be out next Thursday. Does this mean anything? It's sure hard to relax right now. Her voice is echoing from across the room. A reminder to stay clean.


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