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Monday, March 7, 2011

Back from Palm Springs

Did I even say I was going there? All of the pics are from there except the baklava. That's from Greek Souvlaki. I had a stupid wine crave at 6 pm, went to a vintage shop called Misc. right after for their Spring party, called my mom to tell her about the trip, and by 8 I was more interested in a chicken souvlaki and baklava. Bak was honey-soaked awesomeness. Had 4 bites, was a good girl. The rest you see there is in the fridge. For lunch I made a Trader Joe's rice variety with frozen peas, Caputo's hummus, and an Indian spice mix from Deepak Chopra's center. I smell like coconuts. I am trying to switch from lotion to oil as a moisturizer, and got a sunflower/avocado oil with Black Coconut scent from Kuumba oils.

I made more almond milk and showed my step-mom in Palm Springs which she seemed to dig but my dad would have none of it. I was there last Thursday through Sunday. I swam every day and ate so much good (mostly healthy) food, and tons of fruit. Made iced coffee and shakes in their home, the latter with Trader Joe's Hemp Protein Powder I got there in CA. I also took that home. It's good. We went to a street fair and got a ton of produce and tea, and a hemp tattoo. That symbol means love, at least I think it does.

That's the lap pool I swam in. My dad wanted to scare away ducks who were pooping in the yard so he got these inflatable swans. They seem to be working. Also he drove me to a farm where we saw rows of red and green lettuce, chard, artichokes, cauliflower, fennel, and more. It was a nice bonding trip. I don't get to be alone with my father much so that was really nice.

Remind me to take pics of the Misc. clothes I got. That shop is in downtown Salt Lake City, UT. They're adorable! Each item cost about as much as an average Smobergirl wine and cig binge, $30-ish. I should had asked the owner what era one came from, which looks 60's or 70's mod, something Twiggy would had worn. Another dress looks like a black embroidered Mexican frock, and I got a tiered peasant Sundance Catalog skirt, orig. $178 for $24. I totally scored. That shop owner is picky about what she buys too, she doesn't carry too much. Then I called my mom in St. George, which she told me about a new mom and pop Greek cafe similar to her favorite place in SLC, Greek Souvlaki, so I had that on the brain and took the two items home, which I gave a little chicken to The Bandit. I'm still on-and-off with meat eating. But now I don't want to eat any red, just fish and the one bird meat today. O M G I have to tell you my Kindle story.

I am getting sleepy but I have to throw this in. I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED. It can be downright spooky. Maybe I should say the spoiling Gods are smiling upon me. But I don't want to jinx it. The day before I left for Palm Springs I was honestly thinking of getting a kindle to read on planes. Then I was wondering what would be better, an iPad, Nook, or other ebook. Lo and behold the lady next to me on the plane whips an Amazon Kindle out. I didn't ask though how she liked it. Then at my dad's I told my step-mom my story about the lady on the plane, then asked how she liked her iPad. She replied, "I bet I can give you a Kindle right now. Your Dad got one for Christmas and never used it." Talked to Dad...boom...I'm the new owner of a Kindle. Got 3 books, one being an Ani Phyo raw cook book. So now I'm going to try more raw stuff but maybe or maybe not stick with fish too. My weight is still down. I took my first Zumba class which I really liked. I have 2 yoga DVDs from Netflix, one Rodney Yee and one Baron Baptiste. I'm going to take a Baptiste assist workshop in Denver next month. I was a bit down about the teacher training I chose, which is not Baptiste but a local yoga studio, however I learned enough and that ends this weekend followed by a 6-week mentorship, which I don't know the details of yet. I wish I did.

Life is pretty awesome right now. I think about wine and Nat's but then it passes. Staying sober way outweighs a binge night. I mean every single time I do it's the same scenario, and I end up feeling guilty for days, the hangover is unbearable, and to think about what I told other people and affected friendships and relationships. Thought about that pilot I dated for three whole weeks 3 years ago and wondered where we'd be if I didn't have a problem. Called him at 5 am one day hungover or still drunk and called him an asshole when he was out of state. I was history shortly afterwards. The only way not to go back there is not to binge. I am not and do not want to be that person. I highly value myself when I am not in that place.

Have a good night and stay snuggled in this snowy weather! It surely isn't Palm Springs. I can hear my dad chuckling now.

Day 294

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