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Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm not worthy.

Hi Wayne. ;)

Day 315 and I am feeling better. Stinkin' thinkin'. I'm really good at feeling guilty. It's one of my stronger talents. I'm eating well though and today was soup diet day, unintentionally. No breakfast (bad girl!), tomato basil for lunch and mulligatawny for dinner. My awesome Indian neighbor also made me a mango lassi. That's an Indian drink made with mango puree and yogurt. Yum!

I have been doing a lot of nothing lately, and that made me a little miserable. I'm just hoping and praying something wonderful will happen with teaching yoga. I'm still 'green' but I think I can be really good down the road. My teachers said I have a great personality and a nice voice. That's a start! I'm excited for Denver (the assisting workshop...did I mention that?) and Wanderlust. Another student from my training and a teacher friend of mine may be going to that.

Always around tax time my father gets stressed and tells me to get three jobs or be frugal or complains about something. Poor guy. Then that makes me feel unworthy. Maybe I should get a job at a coffee shop or record store. Oh hey! Queer prom is coming up. I'm DJing that and getting some good dinero for it. That's my favorite gig. The kids are great and fun to work with, and the light guy is the best, and helps set up and keep me in line and stuff. This will be year number 5 or 6.

I sold two big paintings and a bunch of fridge magnets already. I've had three art shows in three months and two more in the works. It's really good to be me in the art world right now. I need to brush dust off of my blank canvases though. Like I said, I've been a huge procrastinator lately. However the cure to my sadness is yoga, guitar, learning a new language, and art.

Now I feel even better. Like I said before this blog is therapy. It's like a journal. Now I will open Rosetta Stone, play some scales, and Read the Sutras until I pass out.



Day 315

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