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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fondue: A good test for me.

That's because it's made with WINE and kirsh. The alcohol gets cooked out, but I think in the alcoholic's world that's temptation. In AA there's been talk about "Once an alcoholic..." but I was fine with the whole thing. My mom came over, we made it, it was amazing, and I didn't freak. Well just a tad actually when she told me to keep the kirsh because it was terribly expensive. Then I had a second thought. I'm not stupid enough to drink kirsh as a drink. Have you had the stuff? So yeah, I don't want to get drunk for the sake of it. And I don't want a new bottle of Brancott or a 'good red'. I even saw Sideways for the second time at my father's last night and I didn't excuse myself early to drink at home. I didn't even think about it. This is very good news. And the thought of smoking has completely grossed me out since I started the yoga teacher training. I did have to to unbutton my pants after having fondue for dinner and I hope I maintain the weight at 130, but I want to believe that after quitting my metabolism shot up, and that shows that being healthy is beneficial in multiple ways. It's great not to see the scale at 155 anymore. Portia Di Rossi commented in a fashion magazine recently, about her memoirs of being anorexic, that she became really fat before her anorexia at 140 pounds. 140 pounds? Fat? I'm not going to comment. Okay I am. When I was 155 I was a size 7. Oh what a fat-ass! I am yes much happier now, but a size seven is usually not considered fat. Unless you are a famous actress I suppose. The imagery of American women has got to improve.

So the fondue is an occasional treat. I will maybe have it 1-3 times a year. It's addictive while you are sitting in front of a pot of stinky wine-cheese soup. Gah. Danger Dr. Smith. But like I said I didn't want to go to the bottle from there.

Anyone want to buy a spendy 3/4 bottle of kirsh?

Day 223

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