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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


It's working timelier than ever now because I have craved so badly in the last three weeks. Maybe I thought I deserved to drink because it's been so long, not sure, but it's been bad. I've eaten a ton of Trader Joe's chocolate and crackers because of this, and just wolfed down a substantial amount of a parmesan block. I haven't gained any weight though, and I am anxiously waiting for Insanity (crazy workout by the PX90 guys) to arrive so I can have an excuse to eat somewhat healthy junk, like the wheat-meat 'buffalo wings' and peanut butter chocolate soy shake I had last night watching "Rio" in DKNY sweats I bought at Costco. That was quite fun actually.

I'm now drinking a frozen berry, kale, flax, greens, and coconut water shake I made. Pretty satisfying.

Well I'm off to a painting class.


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