Not just for my health, but for the angry emails and texts, that's why I always wanted to stop. People see me as a sweetheart, and I guess I let go of all the bottled up stuff when I drink too much. Heck who doesn't? I am lucky that I have support, and I have a lot of it. So no I didn't get a torte at the Roasting Company, but I did eat that tangelo and had 1/2 of a frozen chocolate coconut milk bar. Luna and Larry's Coconut Bliss. Highly recommended.
The olympics are a huge inspiration. I've been watching it more this year than any other.
I really don't want to binge any more. I know exactly why I do it and I need to like being sober more than wining myself. And I'm absolutely NOT alone when at night sometimes I feel like I am.
Bon nuit,
This is Kiley from Coconut Bliss, thank you for the recommendation! I love the bars, they never last around the office.