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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I thought going from a 28 to a 27 waist was exciting. I was also the queen of denim, and I consigned all of my 27s and 28s. So I went from about 12 pairs to 0. I just tried on jeans today and tried 26s. nope. Twenty-five. (doing the 25 dance) I don't remember being a 25. Maybe when I was 15. The clean eating (and I confess I do have my cheat days) and weights seem to do the trick, as well as not boozing it up. I'm a little scared for the trip because well, it's Europe, but I am getting back on the antabuse (I'm not going to be happy I think. Or I can just drink their fancy water and lemonade) I had a fierce crave last night and I was ornery for about 20 minutes, then the feeling just went away like it always does. I lived, of course, and I think there may be a god after all. An example of that is a wedding I went to outdoors on Sunday, the day it poured. By the wedding the rain stopped, but it was still cloudy. Then the second, and I swear I have about 60 witnesses, that the bride stopped at the alter, rays of sun went through the trees onto the couple. Then it was gone at the end again. How does that happen? Funny thing, same thing happened with Bob Dylan.

This quinoa doesn't look appetizing but it was indeed fantastic. I added hummus, red pepper flake, and pumpkin seeds. It was weirdly amazing. Then I ate a few olives and an Almond Dream bar and called it good.


Also...Day 400!!

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