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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pretty good moderation day

Well I had a good mood day. But...I didn't make the nut paté. Snyder recommends it for dinner and I always think about it...not during dinner time. Okay I'll make it when I think about it! It sounds delicious too. Macadamia nuts, sun-dried tomatoes. Yum!

Sexy at home: I broke out my favorite white RVCA sweater and wore it with a purple silk bra and maroon cords. Even feeling hot at home boosts my mood. Feeling toned after kettle bell throwing, even better! Also I thought I mastered the art of safe tanning, I used a gradual-tan lotion every day so there's no streaking and it looks natural. It's another way for me to feel beautiful. However, I just found out that one contains parabens and both have DHA. Well I have an awesome immune system and normal blood pressure and cholesterol, so is it up the ante on the green drinks and back to the drawing board? My DNA hasn't felt warped...yet. :) Well I'll do some more research. If you google natural organic self-tanners a few pop up, and I may try one or two of those and give you a report. Bugger! The others I really liked. Hey I still feel sexy. You know what is really sexy? Eat pineapple every day for a week and you'll smell delicious! Seriously. Great for date planning, even if you're pasty white. ;)

Anywho I had some of my copious stash of romaine leaves with muhammara and a little bit of the schwarma. I thought I may feel deprived eating like a rabbit all day and what ended it perfectly was two nut-free chocolate chip cookies and a glass of almond milk. It was the best cookies and milk I've ever had. I don't have a pit in my stomach neither. So I'm done. I ate before 8. Heck it's not even 7. I'll need a relaxing yoga exercise then I can go to bed. I still like to putz around online though. Baby steps. Will you just remind me to make that stinking paté tomorrow?



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