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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Quit Flu and what-iffing., a site I like for quitting smoking, has two nicknames for quit smoking side-effects: Quit Zits and Quit Flu. I have been tired and dragging myself around here and there, I broke out at the two week mark, and today I felt like I was coming down with something around noon today. I got a sour tummy and I felt a little dizzy. I feel not sick now but fatigued and I just want to relax, and I hope this is normal and not an effect from the Antabuse or the real flu. At least I got a workout in this morning: 45 minutes of belly dancing. Woot. I had my pineapple cilantro shake (I'm really digging them) and 1/2 of a green food bar. For lunch I had a raw ear of corn with olive oil and cayenne salt, tomato soup, grilled asparagus, and a Tofurkey kielbasa.

I still need to exercise not freaking out over the small stuff or what-iffing. I was pretty good at the latter today. Condo life is very convenient, but sometimes I fantasize about having a house with a private yard, or even moving to San Diego to meet more eligible men or just living in a nice environment. Or even moving to Vancouver where the people seem much nicer. However, I have learned about the grass being greener on the other side. Like something as simple as having my hair relaxed so I won't deal with my frizzy hair, and now I miss the curl. But I actually love it straight and manageable. And if I go crazy I can always grow the crazy hair back. I actually like it both ways. And it's just hair.

I went back to the new Sephora store today (this may become a problem) and got a lovely-smelling body cream for only $6, a silver nail polish (for my flamingo painting actually), a sponge for $3 (another painting idea), and more lip gloss. I've told you I already need a 12-step program for lip gloss. Sometimes the best art ideas come from odd materials. But don't worry, the gloss and lotion is art for my bod only, not for paintings.

Now on the Love Sac watching Food Network. I may take a bath then watch Extreme Home makeover. And eat something. Popcorn sounds good right now. It can pay off having the Quit Flu.


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