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Sunday, September 11, 2011


I have to admit, I mixed in Hip Hop Abs with Insanity this week, but I am so much more confident about my body! It is rewarding if you just do it, like Nike says. I'm half-way through. I was getting pretty 'bored' I thought of jumping up and down every day. I wanted something fun so the hip hop was good for my soul, and it actually made me laugh! That's good medicine right there. But, what should I do. It's four more weeks (Insanity) of an even harder work out. I'm a pretty indecisive gal. If I don't do it I might strangely feel guilty. If I do I can always go back to dance work outs. HOWEVER, the important thing is I am more confident when I sweat every day. Like my step-mom said when I first quit drinking and smoking, "Yoga's nice and all, but why don't you get a punching bag or do kick boxing?". Jumping around really, really helps my mood! I'm seeing physical results and I feel damn sexy. My butt is rounder, I feel better about my arms almost to the point of not caring, and my torso is shrinking. I have a 2-pack, and I have this cool, tight feeling when I suck it in, like I'm getting more solid. I have a BCBG dress that used to be tight and I looked a little round in it. I wore to the opera on Friday, and not only is it a little big on me now, but I look really flattering in it.

Well I have to go to a craft event, I'll be back and maybe I'll show you the dress. It's absolutely true, exercise and diet are the magic bullet.


Day 482

No desire to drink or smoke whatsoever.

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