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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Internal alarm

I had a gig last night and went to sleep around 2 am, which I woke up at 7:30 like clockwork! Oy, well I'm a little tired but the lemon spinach I found at the farmer's market this morning perked me up. That's the best stuff, and a little hard to find for me. Now I made a kale salad with yellow heirloom tomato, avocado, and leftover mock chicken salad. I hope it's still good, there's a ton left. I squeezed a lime on it and added pepper and sea salt. I have Amy's Indian food in the oven.

Last night I received so many compliments on the way I looked, and I noticed my skin is a lot clearer and more olive-toned, like my last quit. Two months seem like forever to get to, but just after a month my belly bloat went down and I lost a lot of fat in my face. Eat your salads, kids! And healthy fats like green olives keep your skin hydrated, not fat. We need healthy plant fats for our skin, hair, and nails, and iced coffee addicts like myself. Just pace yourself with the olives. I'll have 2-5 a day. A handful of nuts. 1/2 to 1 avocado. It's also important what you eat the rest of the day. I'm making all kinds of creative salads and soups. Then I don't feel guilty eating healthy fat snacks. If you eat crap all day then have these snacks, that's not a good sign.

With my lovely lemon spinach I have a brilliant idea for a smoothie. It's excellent in smoothies. Okay how's this: Limes, celery, lemon spinach, pear, cucumber. I'll report back.

My only downfall this week is not exercising, and craving sugar. I was good yesterday and this morning. Gotta do some hip hop or something today. I look good, I feel calm, but I feel ecstatic when I work out. It makes sense! Even after not doing yoga for a week I've stiffened up. Tisk, tisk. The sugar I'll allow for the wine craves, but I gotta work out for my spirits.



Day 65

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