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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Life Is Good

By the way, I think it would be cool to work for that company.

Anywho, I was freaking out a little about my life this morning, then my counselor at 3 pm just shook his head. I really like this guy. In the end he helped me with job ideas and was logical about how and who to get references from. It doesn't have to be your former boss by the way. An ex-co worker who I didn't offend will do just fine. Ha ha. I didn't even think of applying for the children's museum which the shrink suggested. I am passionate about the arts council, and being a drama geek most of my life, which is really where my heart is, could be a better job for me than the media. I became a DJ through a talent agency, where I just wanted to act. That's when the mayhem started. Nineteen years later, I think it's time to go back to my roots. I didn't even drink until I started frequenting DV8 with fellow radio jocks and sipping Sex On The Beaches all night long. No regrets though. It was an important part of my life when I needed to start sticking up for myself, and I don't know who I'd be today if I didn't go through the hard times.

Speaking of hard times, I craved like a ninja for two days. Couldn't do it cuz I'd go apeshit! Alcohol is dangerous, and it says so on the bupropion bottle. That wouldn't be so great. So I ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's Steven Colbert Americone Dream just for the name, watching the Democrat convention. Perfection.

I feel better, I'm not damaged or worthless. Burned out? I think I was for a minute. Now I'm ready to get back into the game.


A month and two weeks bro.

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