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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lazy Sunday Morning

I was so hungry I didn't take a photo of my lovely breakfast. No smoothie yet. I had the two last local farm eggs sunny side up cooked in grape seed oil with local tomatillo salsa and grape tomatoes. Local farmer's market strawberries, and a tiny piece of the last raw lasagna. I don't feel over-stuffed. I feel warm and fuzzy actually. Bandit and I are chillaxin on the balcony then it's shower time. I had my iced coffee in bed. It's a comfortable morning. I have four packets of VIA instant coffee left. I'll start mixing it with Teechino to wean off it. This is not going to suck. I have a new outlook on food and I think, "Do I want that in my body?" That seems to work, plus thinking what it is doing to my body. Would I want to put an animal part in here? Probably not, even though I had whole mussels last night with chopped chorizo. Okay so I've been a hypocrite, but it was a happy moment at the time and a healthier alternative to smoking and drinking. Baby steps. I have until September 1 to wean into a vegan and raw diet. Then the experiment begins. I've gone vegan before for lent, but I also drank coffee and wine plus smoked at the time even though I lost eight pounds. This will be a strict clean diet. Even the tea will only be herbal. I realize how time flies, and I can have fun with this, as well as save even more money on eating out and buying iced coffee. I'll be getting all of the junk out and pumping myself up with chlorophyll, energy foods, and anti-oxidants. Plus it will be exceptionally hydrating.

I am immensely enjoying Beautiful Boy and I have a clear understanding about methamphetamine, although I wouldn't touch that stuff with a million-foot pole. Wine and tobacco was my disease, and now I feel like a saint compared to what is happening in this book. However I can't even go back to the bottle + 1 glass and a pack of smokes a night. Gross, and I saw in a magazine the other day the "wine bottle glass", where you just pour a bottle into a glass. Sigh, some of the inventions out there.

Today I am going to Oktoberfest (see where did summer go?) with a friend and I may just have to eat saurkraut. We'll see. ;)



Day 23

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