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Saturday, August 4, 2012

At least I ain't...

Oy I had the best dairy and carb-laden dinner. I did eat like a rabbit all day so I don't feel too horrible, and it was probably as many calories as six glasses of wine. Ugh, I am disgusted to say that. That's a good thing. Smokers cough today also. That is too a good thing, getting it out. I don't know if it's the Wellbutrin but I haven't had much of an appetite except for this evening because I deprived myself all day. At least the fuzzy head is gone. However I did hold on to a guilty feeling about the past that I need to dissolve NOW! It made me not enjoy the PC arts fest much today. I suffered in my own head and that is my own damn fault. I did get a beautiful silver ring though. Thanks mommy!

I've been doing tons of yoga and incline walking but I've been tight the day after. Maybe I'm pushing myself too hard. Is that a good thing? I think so. I'll give it time. I'm excited for the journey again like I had for eight months. I already feel like I have more energy. I tend to bounce back quickly, and that is a fabulous thing.

Smoothie: Pineapple-cilantro-cucumber with chia and maca. Breakfast forced by my mother at the farmer's market: 1/2 of a ceviche with hamachi, pineapple, cilantro, lime, and cucumber. Hmmm I see a pattern there.

Lunch: Tomato basil soup and a side salad. I ate half of both.

Snack: Spinach, 1/2 of an avocado, farmer's market tomato, and lemon juice salad.

Dinner: Let's just say at least I didn't drink or smoke. It involved too much cream, cheese, and bread for my own good! But boy it made up for bingeing! :) Note to self and to you: Don't starve because likely you'll over-compensate later!!



Day 8

Gosh I still need to upload that adorable tree!

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