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Monday, August 13, 2012

Yikes but good?

I woke up this morning with jowels and a saggy neck, but my jaw was more cut on the sides. I am getting thinner, but I don't think I'm eating enough. Have you seen people when they lose weight too quickly and they look more wrinkled? Yeah that freaked me out a little. I feel good now. I'm going to give this a few months when my metabolism kicks in again from not drinking, and hopefully looking better from not smoking then I'll see how I look and feel. My rule will be no dairy, little sugar and try to make it natural, little meat, tons of veg, grains, and more natural fats from nuts and avocado. I had a berry spinach smoothie for breakfast (see smoothie blog) and I was still hungry. So I have eggs boiling, salad fixins ready including pumpkin seed oil, and a raw lasagna in the oven with a temp of 95 degrees. I still want to plump up hence the oil and I'm drinking water. I had an iced coffee with my yoga before the smoothie, and I believe I'm just addicted to coffee. I hear good and bad things about it, but according to Snyder it raises cortisol levels, the stress hormone and fat develops to protect organs from it's acidity. According to me I don't feel good afterwards and it's dehydrating. I gotta switch to tea.



Day 17

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