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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 60.

Two months on Saturday. It's seems so long yet not long enough. But I feel pretty awesome. I rode the bike today and didn't huff and puff, yet I sweat buckets and turned red due to the 97 degree weather, high elevation, and incline which deceivingly looks not so steep going up 200 south. But I still felt good. Even though one guy yelled out his car "learn to signal!" and I learned bikers can never win. I signaled with my left arm pointing to the left lane, got in the lane and stopped behind the car in front of me at a red light. Then I followed him, no signal, I was already there and figured it wasn't necessary. Then stupid dummy head behind me shouts at me. Any bicycle-ettiquite experts out there? You either signal wrong, too much, too little, it's only okay to walk your bike on the sidewalk and crosswalk, no it's okay to ride it on the sidewalk, I see cars honking at bikes in the left turn lane just because they are in the left turn lane...I feel sorry for bicyclists. Or are Utahns just ignernt? Did you know, that "bicycle" was the first word I got in my first spelling bee ever, and I messed it up. I went "b-y" and it was over. I was in the third grade.

Hang on a sec...

That's more for bikers, but entertaining nonetheless.

I just wished I lived in Amsterdam or Japan sometimes. It gives me one more reason to hate Utah drivers.

My clothes are still fitting better. I think it's the shakes. Maybe lifting with Cathe. Why wasn't it the lack of alcohol?? Why?? Making up for it in desserts and eating out maybe? Maybe because I also quit smoking and I just stayed the same because I would had lost weight but my metabolism slowed down due to quitting cigarettes and it all just evened out? Maybe.

Well I just went nuts on a cleaning spree and all of the sudden it's 12:38 am. Walked Bandit up and down the hall. There's a new coffee shop opening down the street. No more "I have to go to Starbucks" when I walk anymore. Woot!


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