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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cake paintings

So, I have three little square canvases which I was going to paint owls on to match my big painting. Then I couldn't find my big sponge brush I like to paint large surfaces with for the backgrounds. I found these flat sticks that came with the canvases which I have no idea what they are for, and started using them to spread the paint. It looked stripey, and I started with the brown one, so I started making it thicker on the pink one because I thought I could make it look like frosting. And cupcakes, even in art nowadays, are extremely a hot commodity right now. So I made a pink, "Red Velvet", and "chocolate" background on each. But for the red I used a smaller brush and did a figure 8 pattern. So now I'm either going to paint a cupcake on each, or cupcakes that morph into animals. For example, a cupcake with feet and an owl's face. We'll see. I miss doing art. What's my deal?


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