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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Appreciating what I have.

I have this new-ish hamsa pendant I love. Today I re-discovered the Crown Royal bag (the irony) full of old foreign coins under the bathroom sink. I peeked in there and found a chinese coin which I added on the chain. They make a beautiful chime sound together, and they look nice together too.

Especially with not having a vice anymore shopping is usually a quick fix. I am learning to 'shop in my closet' more and I am taking advantage of TJ Maxx for $16 yoga pants instead of $60+ at the online yoga stores. I found Prana there which made me squeal. But more importantly, there are the neglected cute yoga pants that I had to have online years ago which I really appreciate now. I also just got a sweet check for over $250 at a consignment shop, which I took a bunch of my clothes that either don't fit anymore (23 pounds lost so far!) or that I haven't worn at least for a year. I am also still cooking 95% of my meals at home. I don't feel like I'm missing out or being anti-social. That's what yoga classes and community events are for. I don't have to eat out, especially to a place where I don't know what is in my food. I am very picky where I go now. Here are some of my still-favorite affordable haunts:

Sage's Cafe
Vertical Diner
Este Pizza
Tin Angel Cafe
Cafe Oasis

Great now I'm hungry. ;)


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