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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Gingerly morning.

Since I got back from Maui I've been using ginger in my shakes every morning, with the exception of yesterday when I had a smoothie at the farmer's market and lost my maca fix. I accidentally O.D.ed on the cocoa maca this morning, but maybe I need to make up for my head drama yesterday. :) I had ginger sitting in my fridge for over two weeks so I thought I'd use them up. Here's what ginger does for your bod:

You should not take ginger if you have gallstones or if you are taking wayfarin. Ginger is a stimulant and is used for colic, constipation, diarrhea, heart disease, and can thin the blood. For more info you can check out Wikipedia or a dictionary site. Ginger is commonly used for tea and in Asian dishes. It's a tuber and part of the tumeric family.

Great-tasting, ugly-looking, ginger peach smoothie for 10/3/10:

1 dark bok choy
1 knob ginger
2 small peaches
Huge heaping tablespoon of cocoa and maca powder
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 teaspoon flax seeds, ground
1/4 cup white tea

Favorite morning yoga vinyasa: Seated forward bend to plow pose. Sit upright with your legs straight in front of you. bend over to touch your toes or ankles, or shins or knees. then lay on your back into Plow, legs still straight and the goal is to touch your toes to the floor over your head. Please be careful. repeat 10-20 times. It loosens and stimulates the spine. Here is a good seated forward bend video:

And Plow without breaking your neck....just kidding:

Day 140

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