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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pasta monster

Je suis une fat-ass, no not really. I have forbidden myself to buy crackers for a few years, especially with a hunk of cheese, because it's hard not to eat it all in 1-2 days. I discovered the local bagel lady last week who sells out of her home., and now carbs are back this week in full-force, but it's been three whole days. And I'm still barely eating out. So the same goes for pasta. If I make the 'serves 4-8' then I'll sometimes eat 2 servings a day, maybe three. Of course I don't want to gain that 23 pounds back. Good thing is, I still don't eat a lot at one setting. I just have more settings! Buahahahahah. Pasta Ponza, actually not that evil, but you can't just have one bowl....unless it's this big. No, actually I am still good at small portion sizes. But living alone is tough. It's like, "I made this thing, gotta finish it by the end of the week!". That's the evil part, but it's good while it lasts. I need to give myself a break. I did my power yoga today. Doing more tomorrow. At least I know what is in said-pasta. A shitload of tomatoes! Can't complain about that. I found really good ones at the last Tuesday Farmer's mkt today. (Caputo's will have a food co-op for two more Tuesdays in their parking lot, BTW). I did sub olive oil for the butter, so I feel good about that, even though the butter is just to grease the pan. I'm just anti-butter. But the thing is a salt-bomb. Cheese, capers, salty pasta water, natural salt in tomatoes, added sea salt. So I'm upping the ante on the agua tonight.


2 kale leaves
1 fuji apple
1/2 cup water
knob (ginger)

I do the opposite of the 'royalty' diet. Have you heard of that one? Eat like a king for breakfast, a prince for lunch and a pauper for dinner. Turn that around and that's what I've been doing. It's funny but true. Actually the real evil here is losing weight then being paranoid to gain it back when you eat pasta and bagels. There I said it. I don't want to develop an eating disorder. I want to enjoy food. I want to nourish my body with things that give me energy and make me look good, but I like a good pasta or calzone from Este or a chewy warm bagel made fresh from some nice lady in Sugarhouse once in a while. I think I'll be just fine. And FUUUUUUUUUUDGE. I just quit the smokin and the drinkin. I am too hard on myself.

So hey I had a Truth about Tobacco guy on my show today. It was really cool. My mom is 6 weeks quit. So proud. She's doing the lozenges for 12 weeks.

Love, and I hope you are enjoying the Fall weather slowly creeping in,


Day 149!

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