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Sunday, October 31, 2010


I finished my first weekend of yoga teacher training. There are things I like and things I don't like. I had a feeling initially not to go into this particular program at the studio I am going to, but my mom was hasty in 'having me do something', she's paying for it, and I am grateful for that and I'll learn something and stay fit. I am trying to convince myself that I need it. However, when it gets into the 'astrology' and 'Swarma yoga', I personally think that part is mumbo jumbo. I wished the training was more the physical yoga, but it's a package deal. I sat for two hours chanting cross legged wishing someone would cut off my legs because I wasn't allowed to stretch them out. Pointing the feet at the instructor was considered inappropriate. I'm like, "What?" Yesterday we were taught to get out of bed in the morning on the side of which nostril is most open, and with that leg. I am not kidding. I know I will be struck by lightning in my sleep tonight now. I was just really uncomfortable knowing this training is not cheap, and this is what I'm learning. Again, it is the belief. I'll be fine. I'll let you know what I learn next weekend.

On a positive note, we did learn the physical stuff this weekend too, and pranayama, which are breathing techniques. Ayurveda is tomorrow, and I am interested in that as well, only if I'm allowed to stretch out my legs during the lecture. ;)

Thanks for letting me vent. I was a bit discouraged here and there this weekend. But it did not drive me to drink or smoke.

I made good shakes this weekend with raspberries and plums. Noshing on cashews and almonds. Lots of soup was eaten for lunch. Made spaghetti squash for dinner last night. I had a veggie wrap from the Whole Foods today.

Day 168

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