No I'm not drunk, my thinking problem just came back. I'm crazy, naive, or brilliant. I can't figure out which. Because my creative mind comes up with something innovative to find out others have been trying to solve the same problem all along.
This is what I'm thinking now: It's a shame how we judge ourselves on how others judge us. Not everyone is like this, but I think most of us are, and especially me. Is there a way our government or schools can educate us or prevent destructive situations like this? Verbal abuse; being better than others judged on class, job position, or education; or bullies in school can they be prevented? Because sadly these behaviors and means can drastically change people's lives. That's my thinking of the day. Lost season 3 episode 8 was an influence to write this. Ha yeah I'm watching it again. It's sad to put labels on people. You can be the most loving, generous person but be judged on your car, job, looks, trust fund...
What I am saying is that if we all want to be accepted the treat others the like. Believe it or not if you slander someone they will cower or rebel. It's simple. Why don't we teach this at schools? The popular kids, the geeks, the depressed. Come on. It's simple but it affects all of us. It seems simple but especially in our grade school and teen years it effects all of us.
I was a spoiled kid with everything I needed. Apparently I was a genius reading the newspaper when I was two. According to my mom in 1st grade I could not even spell cat because my dad had me take laughing gas that year from my dentist. You know what she said? "Everything went downhill from there." One: Great news from your own mother right? But then, it wasn't me, it was her own experience. And how can your own mother do that to you? Because she had it hard, I should too? She grew up in a wealthy family who praised her baby sister and ignored her. Two: She had a son and a daughter. And the daughter in her eyes should have been pretty, smart, and happy all of the time. Well I cried a lot. Mainly because my father was verbally mean and old-fashioned to my mother, which she turned to my brother and I to make her happy. I'd get bad grades and my dad took me out of my one love, dancing. Then my mom would say. "What are you crying about now? You are supposed to be smiling and happy. I give you all you want, you spoiled little shit." That was my nickname. More to come.
I started another blog about improving every child's life then stopped it. I will continue to post that issue here.
See you later,