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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Giving in.

I changed my mind again. LOL not cigs and wine. DRUUUGS. Hey I got them at Smith's. I feel better but this is why I'm against them: Liver warnings. Fun. Both the allergy and PMS drugs I got had them. So I may just eat a hot pepper if the symptoms come back and hold my head over a pot of steaming water. Or something else. I also steer away from over the counter drugs because they mask the symptoms. I read somewhere that you are supposed to cough or sneeze it out, not suppress your bodily functions. What is right right?

What I should be doing is the yoga for PMS poses and headaches, and diet for the same. Magnesium, calcium, A, C, E. DON'T do inversions. Cramps can be aggravated by emotional stress so yoga is great. Cat-cow pose, alternate nostril breathing, bow, cobra, fish, neck rolls, kapalabhati breathing (that also gets the mucus out), easy pose (sitting cross-legged), and Corpse pose. Kapawhatta? In layman's terms it's called 'skull shining' because you feel dizzy afterwards. No, I think it's supposed to 'shine' the skull. That's what the yogis say! You 'pump' your abdomen 20 times fast for two rounds breathing out your nose. It's energizing but you usually need a tissue afterwards. Good for a stuffy nose. And cramps apparently. I think I'll do those when the pill wears off and get back to you. So I made a great salad with a lot of C and E, folic acid, protein, magnesium, phosphorous, A, calcium, and iron. It has quinoa, spinach, arugula, mint, blueberries, watermelon, apple cider vinegar, walnuts, avocado (a calming food), and red onion. It's delicious. Then I have a big bottle of mineral water. My friends like to tease me and say that it's vodka because it looks like a bottle of vodka. I had a touch of home made iced teechino/coffee left and poured that into a cup of almond milk I also made. Almond milk tastes so good with vanilla extract. The packaged stuff usually has guar gum, sugar, and other stuff, so I make my own. And no sugar in the eat-clean diet. In case you don't know, most ketchups and BBQ sauces have sugar in them too. Read your labels!

Okay I feel relaxed, no pain, but a little tired. The lunch worked it seems and so did the skull-shining. I am sitting in a cross-legged seat now. The head stuff could be allergies or a cold, who knows. I've always had hay fever. That's my next goal, trying to combat that naturally. I'm amazed how I thought I would starve from this diet and I'm not. Also, it takes time for us to feel full, about 20 minutes, and if I wait after even this small meal I usually feel it. The quinoa expands, and there's healthy oils in the avocado, walnuts, and almonds; and there's lots of fiber and water. And I drank water! I also made my first batch of popcorn and it's more satisfying than I thought. It tastes salty with just the 1/4 tsp. And I didn't even eat all of the 1/4 cup kernels, which expand to 3 cups. The nutritional yeast is really flavorful, and I like it with the chili powder.

For breakfast I had a kale shake.

3 kale leaves
1 cored apple
1/2 frozen banana
1 cup spa water


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