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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Granola, weights, pineapple, and fake tans.

Holy cow, yesterday was unexpectedly eventful, but time-wise everything fell into place.

Before I get to yesterday's chaotic order, This morning went off to a great start. Without sounding cheesy (by the way I also have a weird nut 'cheese' experiment I'll tell you about later) did I tell you what a colossal difference it is between being a wino and being sober? Life is sure getting a heckuvalot better. I got on the treadmill in my Vivo barefoot shoes and did tri-sets of chest and back today. Watch out tube dresses. A tri-set is doing 3 different exercises, 3 times each for 12-15 reps without resting during sets of the three. I really like lifting. I have some exciting news, I'm going to be in the health section of In This Week talking about my story this Thursday all because they found this blog! See, blogs can make you famous. ;) The photo shoot was yesterday, and I felt so awesome. The (very cute) photographer told me to balance a pineapple on my flexed bicep. I did this again in the mirror at home and my shoulders and bis are pretty cut already. Chataurungas in yoga are fabulous shoulder and tricep toners, and if I do enough power yoga I tone up a lot under my armpits and upper back. Along with a fast walk/run for 20 minutes, I also got on the elliptical machine for 10. Followed by stretches and yoga, of course. I made almond milk straining ground soaked almonds and water through a cheesecloth then I blended the liquid with honey. For breakfast I had yogurt (Confession: It's Greek God's full-fat yogurt. There's no sugar, but it ain't non-fat. The honey flavor which has actual honey is the bees knees....buahahahahahahah get it?) with Nutty Guys granola, chocolate hemp protein, buckwheat, chia seeds, maca powder, ground flax seeds, and pineapple chunks. Is that bad?

Two hours later I tried this 'cheese' I made from a raw food email. All it is is ground soaked cashews, lemon juice, and water. You drain it for 24 hours then refrigerate. It's mellow tasting but I like the consistency. I spread some of it on a cabbage leaf and added avocado. I think salsa would be excellent with it. One thing I about raw foodists, they eat a lot of cashews.

So are you ready for my crazy story about how yesterday just flowed, even though I almost resisted to some of the flow but I'm glad I didn't? It was weird, Man. First, I thought I could sleep in for my photo shoot at 1:00 with the magazine, but my mom who was in town wanted to go to breakfast before she drove back home (she was here for the weekend). So we did that, and I didn't tell you that I got a sweet farmer's tan on Saturday which I very well knew could have been prevented. I emceed an urban arts and music festival for six hours outdoors. It was a gorgeous day, and I could have hung out in the shade most of the time but it was so nice outside. My bad. Yes I applied sunscreen, twice. I guess SPF 20 won't cut it anymore or my stuff wasn't effective. OR I didn't slather on enough. So, back to yesterday morning. My friend recommended St. Tropez tanning mousse and I thought it would look nice in the photo shoot so I went to BFE Sandy to get it at Sephora then my dad called. My step-mom's birthday is Wednesday and he is taking care of his sick dog, so he asked me to find a specific item for her that day. I couldn't say no. So I'm making phone calls on the way to my place and while I'm putting on the tanner and curling my hair, calling my father in-between when I couldn't find the exact item. Then I go to the shoot and make a smoothie in the magazine office's test kitchen. That was a blast. The photos should look really spectacular. Let's just say there's going to be some cool Photoshop involvement. We finish ten minutes before my radio show, which happens to be across the street. I do my show, while still trying to find that birthday present, I finally get it done finding a similar item with my father's approval, and an hour before my show ends a musician friend shows up. Surprise. There's a music contest that night and he asks if I can judge it from 8-11 pm. I say yes. At 6 when I'm ready to finally go home and relax for two hours, a co-worker calls. He says he wants to discuss a music series we are broadcasting live at and can I meet him for dinner at The Pie Hole? I drive straight there and we both have their custom salads, which are huge. I ordered a veggie slice but felt guilty, even though they have the best, crunchiest, thin crust. So I eat 1/2 of the crust and pick off the rest of the goodies on top. We finish at 7:30, I have time to get an iced coffee and hit the ATM for the music thing's cover charge, and go to the event. It was really fun. I go home to a meowing Bandit, feed him, and crash.


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