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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lemon Water

In the Eat Clean Stripped book Reno recommends drinking lemon water. I'm seeing it pop up in more sources. Here's Reno's benefits of hot lemon water:

*Helps shed toxins from the body
*Acts as a liver tonic
*Improves skin tone and quality
*Works as a natural diuretic
*Helps dissolve gallstones
*Breaks down phlegm
*Relieves nausea
*Relieves constipation
*Is a digestive aid
*Alkalizes the body
*Improves immunity

I drink mine hot and cold. Do you remember the 'spa water'? Slice lemons into a pitcher of water and chill for at least one hour. You can also add sliced cucumber, a vanilla bean, or a sprig of mint.


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