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Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's just words.

Happy Mother's Day in a couple of hours! I remember having hard times with my father, well most of my life, basically with expectations, financial threats, and judging who I dated. When I hit 30 (I'll be 40 this June) I called my mother (They've been divorced since I was 15) because my dad was bashing my grandfather, who passed three years ago. "It's only words" she said. Which simply, struck me. It's only words. Which ended up being true. I could tell a band they sucked (which I never had) that could affect them or not. Then that made me think (which I am good at, and maybe that's a good or bad thing) about cuss words for some reason. This may be silly, but I wonder what if, in the future some icon or trend makes it so that swearing is acceptable? Or nudity? Or not eating meat? Ten, twenty. one hundred years down the road we can say, "Remember when it was bad to say fuck or be topless or weed or think blacks were the minority?" I personally, would like to see that day. Then what could be illegal? I think personally if we were allowed to do all of these then the need to hide or rebel could and might diminish. I'm just thinking about it.



P.S. Why hasn't someone has done this already?

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