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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Doing well.

Like, 1000000% better than my freak out last night. That's why they call it a 'demon'. I practiced my guitar, had a good lunch. Watching Food Network. I keep reading how diet is just as and even more important than exercise, but don't cancel moving. It's healthy to get out and about. It also releases those endorphins. Anyway, I'm being more aware of what and how much I eat. I still love the bangs, and I'm going to ignore the bullfrog chin (my hair here is strategically hiding it well) and just hope it will tighten up with time. The bod is looking better already, and my face looks healthier. In the rice tortilla is farmer's mkt mushrooms and spicy hummus with rosemary and thyme. Those are the shrooms in the bag. Caputo's has a small farmer's market every Saturday year round. So I'm going gluten and dairy free, a diet that made me at a healthy, skinny weight in the past.

I feel great. A little sleepy, but I'm hoping it's the weather. Naw it's probably the detox. ;) I have a sense of well-being and I keep thanking my lucky stars.



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