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Sunday, September 13, 2009

17 day summary.

I had another bad craving, and gave in this time. This post is supposed to be about my progress. Please stay with me. Day one will begin tomorrow. Addiction's a bitch and the purpose of this is to stay controlled and show you my progress. Now I'm questioning myself. How can I KTQ? (keep the quit)

Breakfast: 12 oz. Iced coffee/Teechino, 1/2 cup blueberries and Dad's dried peaches.

Lunch: Black bean, rice, peppers, and mango-chipoltle salsa burrito at Park Silly Market.

Supplements: 2 St. John's Wort tablets, six kudzu capsules.

Dinner: Fresh corn, roasted red bell pepper, and mushroom risotto (1/2 cup), and 6 oz tomato basil soup at The Wild Grape.

Red Zinfadel: 4 units of 6 oz. 10 Nat Sherman cigarettes.

Water: 3 liters.

Stupid-ass shame in the morning: Priceless.

Day one starts again tomorrow.

Emailing or texting mean, drunken emotions: None thank God.

~Soon to be Smobergirl once again

1 comment:

  1. are an inspiration to me whether you know it or not....we are human, and addiction is POWERFUL!!! I am on your side 100%!!
