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Thursday, September 10, 2009

TWO Weeks!

This is almost a record for me. I think 19 is the longest I've gone smober in 2009. Not in the 20's, definitely not. I haven't lost weight I think, but I definitely don't feel bloated anymore. My stomach feels 'normal', tighter even.

So day 15 is tomorrow, and that means I have 1/2 a month left until I quit the coffee for good. It's been up and down for the last 2 weeks. Some days I'll have none and some days I'll have three (um, and not post it due to embarrassment). Today I had 1 1/2 which for me would be 24. Wow. 16 + 16= 32. That's a lot. I received an email newsletter from Dr. Oz about 6 months ago, and HE SAYS that your body produces cortisol, the fat hormone, when you drink acid (A.K.A. coffee). The Skinny Bitch authors also agree that you can get fat because of this theory that the body produces fat to protect the preccccccious organs. Dr. "Oprah's Doctor" Oz also said in the email that if you substitute tea for coffee, you'll lose 10 pounds. Also, a Glamour Magazine editor quit drinking alcohol one Summer ago and said she lost 15 pounds in 9 weeks, and she said she was a weekend drinker and didn't think she drank that much. I am used to 3-5 bottles a week. That's approximately 500-800 cals a bottle. So I could save at least 1000 calories a week. That sounds pretty peachy keen to me. I just have to watch other cravings and try to keep my diet the same or healthier. Heck a 25 pound weight loss sounds pretty good to me. But is it realistic? I'll tell you in 8-9 weeks. I haven't had dairy since I was sick. I feel pretty good about that. But then I had a lot of noodles. Noodle soup has noodles in it. Nooooooooodly noooodles. Yummy, slurpy, delicious noodly goodness.

I had a lot more energy since Saturday but still coughing up gunk. It's a nice, wet cough (mmmmmmm) opposed to a dry 'barking' cough, so they didn't hurt and hopefully I'm getting rid of the last of it. I just can't wait to go gung-ho back into the yoga and Gilad again.

Breakfast was 16 oz. Iced coffee and a handful of Dad's dried peaches. I woke up at 10 today. At 12:45 I met a friend for lunch at The Wild Grape. I had their home made black bean and sweet potato veggie burger and tore off most of the bun. It came with a mixed green salad. I had 12 oz of water with a lemon wedge. I order lemon every time I get a water at a restaurant. Dinner was at The Greek Festival. I had a small salad with feta and two kalmata olives, a 2-inch square of spanikopita, a spinach and cheese pie wrapped in filo dough, and 4 Greek fries ( oven fries dredged in herbs and crumbled feta). That was at 5:20. At 8 I had another small bowl of step-mum's noodle soup.

So I'm not out of the woods yet, but I have a pret-ty good feeling that this is the tail end of the cold. Yay.

Heck week has come and gone!

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