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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 5 summary.

Time does fly. I not only barely remember day 1 again like it was yesterday, but day one when it was about a month ago! August 18 to be exact. I'm not beating myself up, but that's one more motivation. Relapsing is a cheap thrill and not worth stunting my transformation and healthy goals. I calculated this today on a nutrition website: I drank 6-8 4 oz. glasses of red wine per night 2-3 days a week. That's about 21 a week, and 6,500 calories a month approximately. That's more than 1,000 extra calories a week, which is actually a big deal. I also read that I can lose one pound a month if I omitted 500 cals a week. I ALSO calculated for my nutrition class that I probably ingest 2100 calories a day, and I should be eating 1395-1800 per day, depending on how much weight I want to lose. So there's some nutrition learnin' for ya. If you want to know how many calories you are drinking, go here:

Okay so I had two dinners tonight and a snack, or it sounds better if I said "small meals 3, 4, and 5 later in the evening". Sometimes I do that within in my first week of quitting, if I lasted a week. I first went to Tin Angel Cafe and had three tapas (small plates): One square of seared tuna over spicy sprouts, a pan-fried risotto cake with marinara, and crusty bread with blue cheese and spiced almonds. Kinda fattening, but really small. That was at 5:30. At 9 I went to the vegan cafe Sage's and had a polenta with fresh corn and heirloom tomatoes, honeybunch herbal tea, and 1/4 of a frozen soy shake. Then at midnight I had a 3-inch square of herb crusty bread from Crumb Brothers dipped in basil-infused oilive oil which I made myself. Now I just need to up the ante on my workouts!

One week is just around the corner!

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