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Sunday, September 20, 2009

The last. Day one. Ever.

If I break it, I am quitting this blog. That is my promise to you and to myself.

The day was a wonderful one. I took my milk thistle and nasty dandelion tea, I didn't feel sick or hung over all day, I played my guitar at my dad's which was fun and Rico was immediately accepted into the family, and I ate fairly well and had plenty of energy. I think because of my nutrition class I'll start to follow the recommended dietary intakes.

I just had one iced coffee this morning. I had about 2 liters of water (drinking the lovely spa water now). One 16 oz Teechino. One 8 oz Perrier at my Dad's. I love visiting him and my step-mom. I went up there at 5 today and Juli made a really healthy tomato torte from their garden tomatoes (and my cute dad picked a whole bunch for me to take home, see photo) with fresh cut basil on top and she made pesto out of arugula leaves. Arugula has a lot of vitamins and has a peppery taste. I did have a 4 oz. steak, the size of a deck of cards as the recommended protein. I have not eaten a steak for at least six months. She served it with sauteed chantarelle mushrooms, which I got her hooked on. I have many mushroom adventures (not the magic kind) since my married friends opened a mushroom stand at the farmer's market. I had my first taste of chicken in the woods. That's a mushroom. Guess what? Yes and so delicious. I just pan fry it in olive oil, coriander, and sea salt. They are a bit tough, so I need to google it or ask my 'shroom buddies how they use it. Every time I get something new they just throw out the 'sauté' word. So yeah dinner was excellent, followed by guitar and piano playing, and watching the new episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Entourage, and Bored To Death. Now I'm back home enjoying a cat at the foot of the bed, and I'm al tucked in. I promise to keep it smober from here on out. That's what this post is all about!

Day one finished,

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