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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blood oranges and chat rooms.

Okay so just being two days off the wine and cigs again, naturally I craved bad food this morning. Hangover food is consumed because there is a lot of salt in it. A holistic therapist told me that alcohol is very yin, as in up in the clouds and airy, so naturally you would crave yang or heavy foods afterwards. I tried to satisfy myself with being somewhat healthy and had two eggs over medium and just ate one yolk, and a hash with potatoes, feta, onions, and peppers at Eggs In The City. I ate only the recommended amount of feta, a pair of die (which is just painfully too small, but I have to cut down and out eventually) but there was a lot of oil involved. So after I had a blood orange from a market nearby, and they are right, citrus is a natural anti-depressant! It's also a cleanser for the body. Wanna know why so many cleaners have lemon in them?

Last night I got into that AA chatrrom and I should do that more often. The people in there are supportive, and can be quite funny actually. Well I'm off to finish my lab assignment on my personal health test. I'm acually golden except I need to lose 5% body fat. Pish that's nothin! ;)

Oh speaking of I saw mittens with that symbol on it., ;). I'm kinda tempted to get them.

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