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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Good morning! I am up in Park City just finishing a healthy breakfast of seared ahi taco insides (flour tortillas are evil) and a cup of black beans and tomatoes. I had an iced coffee but now I am ready to hunker down on mood enhancing foods and less clogging and acid ones. I am also being more aware of how much protein, complex and simple carbohydrate, and fat I eat. I may have to say goodbye to my beloved cheese. Low-fat cheese is just not an option for me. Ha ha. I didn't work out yesterday so I'll do something strenuous but fun today. It's also Sunday! That means my favorite serial killer is on Showtime tonight, Dexter. O have popcorn and my wine-substitute in the kitchen so I am set. When I drank, the ritual was drinking the bottle of wine and smoking in front of the TV. So if I want to watch now, I feel that I still need something to do, even though snacking in front of the television is not recommended in the nutrition world. At least I am attempting to keep it healthy: I pop naked popcorn and use olive oil spray and either cayenne sea salt or a mix of brewers yeast and soy sauce. Both are delicious!

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