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Monday, October 26, 2009


I learned that in a chat room at the old radio station I worked at, and I think it means opening eyes wide? If not. Then that's what I meant to do. I found something hopeful on my iPhone. I searched "alcolism" in the apps and found one by Passages. I've never heard of that name before. It's a clinic in Malibu that had a holistic approach to a cure. They believe that one can cure himself or herself from dependance. It is, of course, expensive to go there and I would not have the time to be in a rehab center for months, so the founders, a father and son team (the son was addicted to heroin and other substances for six years) created an app for $10. It's the book that they wrote, and their steps to recovery. In the last two days I have been spending about 5 hours reading it. I'm off to another yoga class, but I will be back to tell you more how this is making me feel about my dependence. In the meantime google Passages.

1 comment:

  1. I was listening to your show today, and Margaret Ruth gave one of the girls the advice to get into a cycle of positive thinking and this will not allow any room for negative energy. That reminded me of something I'd "retranslated" (to apply more generally to life) a while back after hearing somewhere that the best way to keep weeds controlled in a garden is to not allow room for them to grow. But first you have to identify them and trim them back as far as possible, because, chances are, left on equal footing, the weeds will be much more tenacious and prolific. Knowing when to stop concentrating on the weeds and focus on feeding the flowers and vegetables is tricky in the physical world of an actual garden. Knowing when the time is right when dealing with metaphysical problems often borders on the impossible. Btw, thanks for the krunking the Purr Bats every week...
