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Friday, October 16, 2009

Bones and Cancer

I'm sitting outside a movie heater getting my 15 minutes of vitamin D, the vitamin you don't only have to get from food. Your body converts ultraviolet rays into the compound that produces vitamin D. See this class is making me sound smarter already! The chapter I'm on is about osteoporosis and cancer. High amounts of caffiene and alcohol can contribute to bone loss. So now I flip-flopped again and I'm on the green tea instead of iced coffee today. Tea contains 1/4 to 1/2 the caffeine of coffee.

Then the chapter touches on how cancer develops from carcinogens mutating cells and......ta da! The word 'smoking' comes up. Surprise surprise.

Emotions came up again but I'm learning to observe these feelings and letting them come and go. All I can do now is be excited for my healthy transformation. Thanks to Gilad and yoga I already have firmer thighs and a better self-esteem. I'm also eating 2 1/2 cups of fruit spread out per day. Which is also boosting my mood and keeping my blood sugar level.

Off to Where The Wild Rhings Are! I'll give you a full report in a few hours.



  1. Self-esteem, self-confidence, self-worth - what a tangled web we weave! It's human nature to get a sense of worth from others. It's the way we learn. As children, parents and teachers have to tell us what is wrong or right and what is desirable or intolerable. Eventually, we can take the reigns and decide those things for ourselves. The more developed our knowledge of self becomes, the more likely we're going to make the decisions that make us happy. But, a knowledge of self is a very slippery thing, and realistically will never be complete or static. Just because we have it in one moment does not guarantee that we'll have it in the next. Or maybe we haven't learned what to do in a certain situation yet or we don't have confidence in what we know about ourselves. So we revert to letting others tell us what's important or desirable or right. Finding long-term happiness is nearly impossible without employing self knowledge. The tricky part is how to move your feelings of self-esteem and self-worth from external sources (our source since childhood) to internal ones. Anything you can do to develop strength and flexibility - physically, intellectually, and emotionally - will greatly help with the transition. But I think you know all of this already... I hope you enjoyed the movie!

  2. wow...great summation it!!!!
    Yes 15 minutes of sun a day is so good for us, vitimin D, and we need it now with the H1N1 going around....thanks for your WOTD and all your blogs on your class studies, you are making me smarter. ;-)
