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Friday, October 23, 2009

Well the insomnia is here, but I saw a movie and played on my computer. I'm going to listen to the iPhone sleep hypnosis app. It's effective so far. Hey if you want to add a comment, I want to make sure you haven't given up on me.


Day one. Dammit.


  1. I know it was a while ago, but thanks for mentioning "Bigfoot: I Not Dead". I gave it a read and nearly "wet 'em" right in the middle of the B & N. Just had to buy it after laughing that loud in public. Reminds me a bit of a book I stumbled on a few years back called "Creepy Suzie" by Angus Oblong ( He's the guy behind The Oblongs, but his books are much funnier than the lame-ass series. Anyway, I hope laughing helps you keep things in perspective - I know it gives me a pile of clarity and strength. And hopefully the weather is speaking to you as well - gotta love living in the great state of Moland! Keep doing your thing - this, too, shall pass...

  2. I'm still here, and I support you 100%!
