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Friday, November 13, 2009

Bad karma has found me. If I did not drink a particular night I wouldn't have made a mess. It bit me in the bum today. I am at my father's and my stomach is sinking. I am actually in my car to let it all out, and I have to go back in soon. Sometimes you need to hit the bottom to stop a bad habit. It's not the very bottom, but I have upset someone. That to me is bad enough. The last thing I want is to be obnoxious and hurt others, and that only happens when I get blotto. I am sad enough already and I don't need to make my life worse by doing meaningless negative talk. Thanks. But maybe this is a blessing in disguise.


1 comment:

  1. It fricking sucks when you hurt someone, even inadvertently. "Meaningless negative talk"? You are feeling bad and trying to unload those feelings. Granted, where and how you unload them is the trick. But sometimes emotions get the better of us and we unload them at the wrong time in the wrong place. It's a mistake and you're human. You can't do more than learn from it and use the crap feeling you get to lessen the chance that it will happen again. Would a platonic electronic hug help? Can I volunteer to check in somehow with you often? I'd love to repay some of the help that I've gotten from others' generosity over the past few years.
