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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sorry for the type-os and split message, for I will fix them when I can get on my computer. It's nice to text posts from my phone though. I feel better. What an emotional day though. I felt like just doing nothing all day. I did work out with Gilad however. I'm also stoked for this modern dance show. I took modern and jazz as a kid so I love all kinds of artsy fartsy dancing.


  1. Excellent to hear that you are in good spirits for the dance. Emotions, especially negative ones, are so hard to predict, let alone control. Even the most confident people I know have periods of self doubt and sadness. The thing that makes them strong is not that they have these periods, but that they are able to get out of them on their own, and after only a short time. If you don't have the practice of knowing what you can solidly stand on within yourself, or the experience of knowing how to stand on that slim bit of solid ground, it's very difficult to right yourself quickly and on your own. You are getting stronger and more experienced at doing this - truly facing the negative emotions instead of avoiding them with emotional anesthesia (aka too much vino). Keep up the good fight!
