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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Good morning! One week smober today! Let's see if I can make it to two. I took my Passages calming supplements this morning, followed by a handful of pomegranite seeds, a banana, iced coffee, and about 30 white cheddar bunnies from Annie's Naturals. I know, it's processed flour and dairy, oy.i had a fierce salt craving. I need to get more oatmeal so I can have that handy. For my online class there are four more chapters and a final exam in a month!

I'm going to start putting time aside to meditate once a day. I'm still thinking about acupuncture, but I am already doing self-acupressure, which is vary relaxing.

The sun is out on this brisk day. Enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the week of smobicity (yeah, smobriety would be more obvioius, but ...). I think daily meditation will be another good weapon in your arsenal. Speaking of which, recently I woke up with the idea of "wielding the sword of happiness" in my head (nothing to do with morning wood, fortunately... ). Thinking about it, I've realized that lately I've been using happiness as a weapon against depression and sadness and self doubt. I think it has come from a realization that I'm in control of my happiness to the point that I can actually grab it and control it and wield it whenever I wish. At the same time, I've also decided to really experience my sad times - in an effort to "get to know my enemy". I think it has made the sadness more quantifiable, understandable, and ultimately less chaotic and less scary. From what you've said, it sounds like most of the time you have a good "understanding" of your happiness, but it comes and goes on its own. Maybe thinking of it as something you can actually unholster whenever you need will help you battle the blues. Regardless, soak up the day!
